People look differently at food after big holidays like Thanksgiving.
That is because you EAT differently on Thanksgiving.
We expect it, we want it, and most of all, we want the whole traditional experience now that we all are not sitting at the kids table any more.
So now that we are grown up, are we eating grown up food or are we slipping back into yesteryear and eating kid food at the grown up table? After all, isn't the traditional foods from our past and childhood really comfort food?
Considering most people eat 229 gms of FAT at the Thanksgiving meal along with lots of sugar, sauces, sweets and drinks we may not normally eat, the body needs balancing. Let's face it, drinking a 20 oz Coke has 16 teaspoons of sugar in it alone. Add on the pies, cakes, cookies, candied potatoes, ice cream and the other hidden sweets..........YIKES!
Did you eat too much? |
What to do?
After the pancreas and liver get over the shock of the day, it wants to relax along with the intestines. You know, kick back like you are on vacation. That is what we call balance.
However, most people feel tired, lethargic and lack energy after big meals like Thanksgiving.
Is this how you feel? |
You can feel tired and lethargic just from being dehydrated! The first sign of dehydration is fatigue.
Luckily, there are foods that you can eat after these kinds of big meals to help point you back in the right direction. It would require you to eat at the grown up table and think like a grown up while you are there.
Here are some foods to help the body recover from holiday eating and it's all plant that aught to tell you something!
Garlic: besides the antibiotic like quality, garlic is an excellent antioxidant and one of the best foods to flush heavy metals out of the body. It also activates liver enzymes to filter toxins. Raw garlic helps to stimulate the production of glutathione needed for liver detoxification. Helps to eliminate microrganisms.
Broccoli: The phytochemical Sulforaphane, helps enzymes in the body detoxify carcinogens before cell damage occurs.
Lemon: Helps convert toxins into a water-soluble form to be flushed out of the body. Aids especially with the flushing out liver toxins. Stimulates bile production. Cleanses the kidneys.
Water: hydrates and flushes out toxins.
Cabbage: activates enzymes to detoxify the body and aids in liver function. A powerful anti-inflammatory food.
Daikon: Helps with fat metabolism.
Leafy Green Vegetables: chlorophyll helps the body neutralize toxins. Supports the liver to rid the body of toxins. Helps to maintain an alkaline presence in the body which is needed for a "healthy state". Most people do not eat enough alkaline foods. Arugula and watercress have a light diuretic effect and works with the liver to flush out toxins.
Eggplant: Helps cleanse and soothe the kidneys and bladder.
Ginger: Helps to break down proteins, and a potent detoxer. Has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Helps to lower blood pressure by stimulating circulation.
Whole Grains: (in it's unprocessed form: Brown rice barley, quinoa) high in nutrients and fiber, whole grains gathers and cleans up toxins. Insoluble fiber is considered "nature's broom" to make nutrients more efficiently absorbed in the body, spending less time in the intestines. They also strengthen digestion further aiding in detoxifying the body.
Artichoke: helps the body stimulation the production of bile from the liver and gallbladder for better digestion.
Raw beets: Encourages bile to flow and supports liver function.
Seaweed: Helps to alkalize the blood and strengthens the digestive tract. They contain alginates which helps with environmental pollution and aids in the secretion of heavy metals out of the body.
Lastly, don't forget to exercise, to get the blood circulating, aiding in the clean out and circulating oxygen and nutrients!
To your health!
Donna Marie Laino
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